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The TbR Team

Mat has done all sorts of things over the years. Born in the US, he studied philosophy, fine art and architecture, before having a professional life in New York City. There he worked primarily in the fashion and branding biz. He's designed fabric & clothes, run more than one life-style business, owned a shop, worked as a director of communications and designed retail furniture. Probably some other stuff, too.
At the turn of the Century, Mat moved to London to paint while laterally exploring language at the intersection of art and science. Along the way he's worked with private clients designing residences here and abroad, consulted in image & branding and also does a bit of data management design. He's also a fellow at the Royal Society of Arts.
Most importantly, though, Mat co-curated Ideas-Matter-Sphere, an organisation that presented salon-style talks between artists and others. That experience (and a traumatic US election and UK referendum along the way) provided the inspiration for Tickbird&Rhino.

Born and raised in London and living in Amsterdam since 2001, Sujata studied photography, physics and the natural sciences. She's worked in the technology sectors of telecoms, banking and healthcare and now makes art crossing back and forth between these areas.
Woven into her artwork are a number of projects ranging from recycling education and practice in Lesbos, Greece; creative re-use of water purification by-products in the Netherlands; and inspiring FabLab use in younger generations of textile artisans in Gujarat, India.
Initially interested in presenting a talk on her 'desirable dossiers' project (dreaming the electronic health record) she's found herself drawn deeper into Tickbird&Rhino and is now integrally involved in the daily running of the organisation as well as being our European representative.

Sean Oldham has spent enough time in London for it to become a working part of his mind. Having had an international education there, and having subsequently hung out with exiles in his home town, another, welcome dimension has been added to it.
In a fairly long career as a painter and decorator he has become most interested in the effects of colour and light upon the interior, and is interested in the psychodynamic aspects of decoration, often unlocking a narrative for unwitting clients within an architectural project.
Sean's the guy who gets things done for Tickbird&Rhino.

Gail is a political activist and firm believer in the power of collaboration and creativity. So of course, she fits Tickbird&Rhino perfectly. Gail handles our PR and merchandising, amongst many other things.
Since she's got that 'youth thing' going on she also juggles us not-having a social media presence (which, believe it or not, takes almost as much time as having a social media presence).

Paul is our chronicler and bard, telling the "Stories We Tell". He writes and performs as a solo artist in a project known as Trombone Poetry and is also a freelance musician (yes, he's for hire!) and leader of two trios: Click Beetle and The Blowpipes Trombone Trio.
He has written science and philosophy book reviews for The Skeptic and has published several books of poetry with Redriff Press: Better Late Than Sorry, Beetles, Robots, Beiku and Kneptune.
News of all these musical and literary activities is sent out in the Trombonicle mailing list.